Common Names:- Silk-vine
Synonyms:- Periploca laevigata subsp. angustifolia
Meaning:- Periploca (Gr) Twisted-around.
Angustifolia (L) Narrow-leaved.
General description:- An erect shrubby deciduous plant.
a)1·5-3 m.
b) erect, sometimes twining at the apex.
a) 1-3·5 x 0·2-0·6 cm.
b) almost stalkless (subsessile).
c) linear, acute or obtuse, wedge-shaped (cuneate) at the base.
d) hairless (glabrous), leathery (coriaceous).
1) Cymes:
a) few-flowered.
2) Corolla:
a) c. 1 cm diam.
b) lobes oblong, obtuse, green outside, green, purple-brown and white inside.
c) margins not deflexed when in full bloom (at anthesis).
d) awns, deflexed, green.
3) Anthers:
a) smooth.
1) Follicles:
a) 5-8 (-10) cm.
b) spreading horizontally, not united (connate) at the apex.
2) Seeds:
a) c. 7 x 3 mm; coma c. 40 mm.
Key features:-
1) Stems 1·5-3 m, erect.
2) Leaves 1-3·5 ? 0.2-0·6 cm, somewhat coriaceous.
3) Corolla c. 1 cm diam.
Habitat:- Scrub in gorges and on rocky slopes, with Juniperus phoenicea, etc.
0-150 m.
Distribution:- A North African species extending locally to S. Spain, Sicily,
Lampedusa, Malta and W Syria. In the Aegean region known only from the
Southern Cretan islands of Gavdos, Gavdopoula and Chrysi. Rare.
Flowering time:- Apr-May, and sporadically at later times.
Photos by:- Daniel Didier