Common Names:- None

Synonyms:- None

Meaning:- Paronychia (Gr) Beside-nail, a name used by the Greek physician and
botanist Dioscorides, for its former use to treat whitlows.
                  Echinulata (Gr) Prickly.
General description:- Annual.

1) 2-20 cm, spreading or erect, usually much-branched.

1) Ovate to oblong-lanceolate, reddish, with a pale, membranous margin, axis  

1) Clusters 3-8 mm diam.
2) Bracts inconspicuous, shorter than the flowers.
3) Calyx with hooked hairs at the base, and with an awn c. 1 mm or more, on the 
    calyx-lobes, usually straight.

1) Achene with a membranous pericarp.

Key features:-
1) Calyx with hooked hairs at the base, and with an awn c. 1 mm or more.
2) Awn on the calyx-lobes usually straight.
3) Leaves ovate to oblong-ovate, reddish.

Habitat:- Sandy and rocky places by the sea, hillslopes and ridges with dry open 
shrubby vegetation. 0-300(-600) m.

Distribution:- Widespread, but scattered in the Mediterranean region from Portugal
and S Spain to SW Anatolia and Lebanon. Limited distribution across Crete around
coastal areas mainly in the far west and east and central areas.

Flowering time:- Apr to early June.

Photos by:- Dr. Armin Jagel

Achene:- A single-seeded dry fruit, not splitting.
Aristate:- With a bristle-like pointed axis.
Awn:- A stiff bristle-like projection, sometimes barbed or feathered. a fine bristle
ending an organ.
Axis:- A stem, commonly used for the main stem of a whole plant or of an
inflorescence. Also the area of the flower upon which the reproductive organs and
other ancillary organs are attached.

Bract:-  An organ, often small and scale-like, but sometimes leaf-­like, located
where the flower-stalk joins the stem.

Calyx:- A Collective name for the sepals - the outer whorl of organs in most
Calyx-lobe:- One of the free upper parts of the calyx which may be present when

Membranous:- Thin and dry, often opaque or transparent - like a membrane.

Oblanceolate:- Inversely lanceolate, broadest towards the apex and tapering to
the stalk.
Oblong:- Rectangular with rounded ends - used to describe a leaf or petal shape.
Ovate:- Broad and rounded at the base and tapering toward the end.

Pericarp:- The part of a fruit enclosing the seeds that develops from the wall of the
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