Common Names:- Few-flowered orchid
Homotypic Synonyms:- Androrchis pauciflora, Orchis provincialis subsp.
pauciflora, Orchis provincialis proles pauciflora, Orchis provincialis var.
Meaning:- Orchis (Gr) Testicle, (the shape of the root-tubers).
Pauciflora (L) With few flowers.
General description:- Short to medium perennial.
1) 15-35 cm, erect, sheathed above.
1) Basal, 3-7, forming an indistinct rosette, broadly lanceolate, usually unspotted.
2) Cauline, 2 or 3, sheathing the sttem..
1) Spike. rather lax, 4-7 flowered. flowers, pale yellow
2) Sepals, and petals spreading to erect, not forming a hood.
3) Labellum, 11-16 mm, broadly obovate in outline, shallowly 3-lobed, ± straight
with some small reddish-purple dots along the middle, a somewhat deeper
yellow than the sepals.
4) Spur, 15-20 mm, cylindrical, obtuse, slightly upward-curving.
Key features:-
1) Spur, as long as or longer than the ovary.
2) Spike, lax to dense, with 3-7 flowers.
3) Leaves, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, crowded at the base of the stem,
usually without spots.
4) Labellum, 13-15 x 13-15 mm.
Habitat:- Scrubland vegetation, open woodland, meadows, often in rocky places.
(100-) 400-1300 m.
Distribution:- Fairly common in Peloponnisos and W Greece, scattered in C & N
mainland Greece. - Italy and W Balkan Peninsula from Istria to GreeceCorsica
eastwards to Greece and the Aegean Is. Fairly widespread and scattered across
Flowering time:- Late Mar to May.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton