Family and Genus:- See- ORCHIDACEAE
Common Names:- Man orchid
Homotypic Synonyms:- Aceras anthropophorum, Arachnites anthropophorus,
Himantoglossum anthropophorum, Loroglossum anthropophorum,
Ophrys anthropophora, Satyrium anthropophorum, Serapias anthropophora
Meaning:- Orchis (Gr) Testicle, (the shape of the root-tubers).
Anthropophora (L) Man-like.
General description:- Short to medium, rather slender perennial.
1) 10-40(-60) cm, leaves, numerous, glabrous, with brownish, sheathing basal
1) Basal leaves 3-5, forming an indistinct rosette, oblong-lanceolate, subacute,
fresh green, unspotted.
2) Cauline, sheathing the lower 2/3 of stem.
1) Spike, narrowly cylindrical, with 20-40 small flowers.
2) Bracts, minute, membranous.
3) Sepals, and petals all connivent to form a forward-directed hood, ovate,
subobtuse, usually dull green with brownish-purple margins.
4) Labellum, 12-15 mm, at least twice as long as the hood, pendent, oblong with
two slender 'arms' and two shorter spreading 'legs', resembling a tiny man;
segments, yellowish-brown or pale purplish.
5) Spur, lacking.
Key features:-
1) Flowers small, in a narrowly cylindrical spike.
2) Median lobe, of the labellum deeply 2-fid.
3) Spur, lacking.
Habitat:- Meadow-like patches in dry open shrubby vegetation, open coniferous
woodland, fallow terraces. 0-800(-1300) m.
Distribution:- Mainly in W Europe and the W Mediterranean area. extending locally
to S Anatolia and Cyprus. Fairly widespread, but scattered across Crete.
Flowering time:- Apr to early June.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton