Common Names:- Anatolian orchid
Homotypic Synonyms:- None
Meaning:- Orchis (Gr) Testicle, (the shape of the root-tubers).
Anatolica (L) From Anatolica, Turkish.
General description:- A short to medium, rather variable perennial.
1)15-40 cm, erect or slightly flexuous, with several sheathing leaves in the lower
1) Basal, 2-5, lanceolate to oblong, often spotted or blotched with purple-brown.
1) Spike, up to 10 flowered, lax oblong, purple or pink, occasionally white.
2) Bracts, narrow-lance-shaped, 1-3-veined, rather shorter than the ovary, greenish
to purplish or reddish.
3) Sepals, narrowly ovate, spreading or somewhat deflexed.
a) lateral, spreading, obovate.
b) upper, and petals forming a lax helmet.
4) Labellum, oval, 10-14mm long, usually with several purple dots and streaks
down the whitish centre, 3-lobed, cuneate at the base.
a) central, rather longer.
5) Spur, wide, ± straight, cylindrical-filiform. slender, narrowed towards the apex,
horizontal or up-curved, 15-22 mm long, much longer than the ovary.
Key features:-
1) Labellum, clearly longer than wide, with several purple dots down lower middle.
2) Leaves, fresh green.
3) Spur, ± straight.
Habitat:- Meadow-like patches in Dry open shrubby vegetation and scrubland
vegetation, open coniferous woodland, terraced olive groves. 0-1400 m.
Distribution:- E Mediterranean region to S Anatolia, Cyprus and Palestine,
extending to N Iraq and Iran. Fairly widespread across Crete, but more so to the
Flowering time:- Mar to mid-May.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton