Common Names:- Early rainbow orchid
Homotypic Synonyms:- None
Meaning:- Ophrys (L) Eye-brow, a name used by the Roman naturalist and
philosopher Pliny.
Mesaritica (L) From the Mesara plain C. Crete.
General description:- Extremely earIy flowering, slim plant.
1) Height, 15-25 (-45).
1) Basal, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, mucronate.
2) Cauline, 1-2, lanceolate, acute.
1) Sepals, 6-9 mm., green and often bordered in light brown.
2) Labellum, 12-19 mm; 3-Iobed, flat with slight indenting, and browner in colour,
edges sometimes bordered with a slight smattering of yellow. blazon, greyish
and slightly shiny. base, yellowish, underside of the lip dark reddish-brown with a
greenish-white centre. stimatic cavity, lower and measures, 3.2-5.2 x 0.7-2 mm
1) Capsule, dehiscing, by 3 or 6 longitudinal slits.
2) Seeds, numerous, minute, with undifferentiated embryo and no endosperm.
Habitat:- In open, grazed land, also in very bushy dry open shrubby vegetation
Distribution:- Possibly Tunisia and in Malta. In Crete it grows in the general area of
Messara and Asterousia, as well as at Akrotiri Chania. Rare.
Flowering time:- Jan-Feb
Photos by:- Laurence Fazan