Family and Genus:- See- ORCHIDACEAE
Common Names:- Milky orchid
Homotypic Synonyms:- Odontorchis lactea, Orchis lactea, Orchis tridentata
subsp. lactea, Orchis tridentata var. lactea
Meaning:- Neotinea (L) New-Tinea.
Tinea (L) For Vincenze Tineo (1791-1856) Sicilian Professor of Botany
at Palermo.
Lactea (L) Milk-coloured, milky-white.
General description:- Short to medium, often rather robust plant.
1) 7-20 cm, erect, with 3-4 leaves at or above the base, and with sheaths above.
1) Basal, 3-4, oblong and pointed, unspotted.
2) Cauline, small and sheath-like.
1) Borne in a dense cone-shaped spike, which soon elongates, fragrant.
2) Bracts, lanceolate, 1-veined.
3) Sepals and petals, white or cream, outside with greenish-pink veins, sharply
pointed, forming a close helmet, 6-8 mm long, often with the tips diverging.
4) Labellum, pale violet-lilac conspicuously purple-spotted, 3-lobed;
a) central lobes, with two blunt 'legs' with a tiny 'tail' in between.
5) Spur, down curved, half as long as the ovary.
1) Capsule, dehiscing by 3 or 6 longitudinal slits.
2) Seeds, numerous, minute, with undifferentiated embryo and no endosperm.
Key features:-
1) Plant, short and stout, 8-20 cm tall.
2) Sepals, petals and labellum white or cream, the latter densely and con-
spicuously purple-spotted
Habitat:- Dry open shrubby vegetation, open coniferous woodland, fallow terraces.
0-1150 m.
Distribution:- Fairly common in W Greece. - Patchy distribution in the
Mediterranean region from S France and Algeria to Anatolia. Widespread and
common on Crete.
Flowering time:- Mid-Mar to late May.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton