Family and Genus:- See- HYACINTHACEAE/Subgen. BOTRYANTHUS

Common Names:- None

Homotypic Synonyms:- Botryanthus commutatus, Hyacinthus commutatus.

Meaning:- Muscari (L) Musk-like (from the Turkish, moscos, fragrance).
                  Commutatum (L) Changed, altered.
General description:- A low to short bulbous perennial.

1) Occasionally producing offsets; tunic dark shiny brown.

1) 6-30 cm, about as long as the leaves.

1) 2-5, 10-30 cm x 5-15 mm, linear to linear-lanceolate, canaliculate, margins

1) Raceme, dense, ovoid. Fruiting raceme lax.
2) Pedicels, of the fertile flowers 2-6 mm, patent-deflexed, as long as or shorter
    than the flowers.
3) Fertile flowers, 3·5-7 mm, obovoid-urceolate, strongly shouldered and
    constricted, deep blackish-violet, with  teeth.
4) Teeth 0·5-1 mm. recurved concolorous
5) Pedicels of the sterile flowers 1-3 mm.
6) Sterile flowers, 2-4 mm, paler and smaller than the fertile. 

1) Capsule, 7-12 x 5-8 mm, oblong-ovoid or broadly ellipsoid.

Key features:-
1) Perianth, bright blue or blackish-blue, without dark blue stripes; concolorous;
    tube and teeth blackish-blue.
2) Pedicels. patent or deflexed.

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Habitat:- Open dry shrubby vegetation, scrubland vegetation, orchards, olive groves
and open woodland. 0-1100 m.

Distribution:- Throughout Greece, but less common in the W & N. - Italy and the
Balkans eastwards to the east Aegean Islands. On Crete confined mainly to the
Sitia region in the east and localised areas in the central.

Flowering time:- Feb-May.

Photos by:- Dr. Armin Jagel