Family and Genus:- See- LABIATAE

Common Names:- None

Homotypic Synonyms:- Molucca spinosa.

Meaning:- Moluccella Derivation obscure
                  Spinosa (L) Spiny, with spines
General description:- Glabrous annual or possibly short-lived perennial.

1) 30-100 cm tall, generally unbranched.

1) Blade, broadly ovate, palmately lobed or coarsely serrate.

1) Inflorescence, of several, regularly spaced, c. 8-flowered verticillasters.
2) Bracteoles, subulate, spinulose.
3) Calyx, curved, zygomorphic, gradually widening, limb rigid, dark green,
    a) upper lip, with a single stout spine.
    b) lower lip, with 5-7 unequal spines.
4) Corolla, 25-40 mm, white or pinkish, villous.

1) Four 1-seeded nutlets.

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Habitat:- Roadsides, stony ground and ruderal habitats. 0-250 m.

Distribution:- Widespread in the Mediterranean region, eastwards at least to S.
Anatolia, but rare and vanishing in many areas. There are a few scattered records
from  peloponnisos, Sterea Ellas and the Ionian Islands. very rare on Crete, known
from only two locations.

This rare and vanishing species collected in Crete by Sieber (c. 1826). This record
was questioned by Rechinger (l944), but the species was re-collected not far from
Sieber’s locality by Bergmeier in 2009.There are recent records also from SE
Peloponnisos and the Ionan lslands of Lefkas and Ithaki. 1)

1) "Atlas of the Aegean Flora" Book1, Arne Strid 2016.

Flowering time:- May-June

Photos by:- Fotis Samaritakis