Family and Genus:- See- LEGUMINOSAE/Subgen. CYMATIUM

Common Names:- Toothed medick

Homotypic Synonyms:- Medica polymorpha, Medicago denticulata subsp.
polymorpha, Medicago hispida subsp. polymorpha, Medicago polycarpa
subsp. polymorpha.

Meaning:- Medicago (Gr) Median-grass, A name used by the Greek physician
and botanist Dioscorides, from a Persian name for lucerne, or medick.
                  Polymorpha (L) Variable, of many forms.
General description:- Low prostrate to spreading, hairy or hairless annual.

1) 10-40 cm.prostrate to ascending, 

1) Leaflets, obovate to triangular, glabrous above, sometimes thinly pilose beneath,
    serrate at the apex.
2) Stipules, laciniate.

1) Peduncles, filiform, shorter than or equalling the petiole of the subtending leaf.
2) Inflorescence, 2-8-flowered, usually several fruits developing.
3) Corolla, 4-7 mm, pale yellow.

1) Legume, discoid to shortly cylindrical, usually 5-6 mm in diam. (not including
    spines), glabrous, with 2-5 rather lax coils; marginal and submarginal veins well
    developed, separated by a groove; surface of the coils with a conspicuous
    network of raised veins; spines c. 2 mm, patent, often uncinate.

Key features:-
1) Leaflets, never with a dark spot.
2) Legume, discoid to shortly cylindrical, usually 5-6 mm in diam. with 2-5 rather
    lax coils.

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Habitat:- Sandy and saline coastal habitats, cultivated and fallow fields, olive
groves, hedges, pastures, wasteground. 0-800(-1300) m.

Distribution:- Widespread throughout the Mediterranean area and SW Asia.
Widespread on Crete.

Flowering time:- Mar-July. 

Photos by:- Steve Lenton