Common Name:- None
Homotypic Synonyms:- Medica disciformis.
Meaning:- Medicago (Gr) Median-grass, A name used by the Greek physician
and botanist Dioscorides, from a Persian name for lucerne, or medick.
Disciformis (L) Having radiate flowers.
General description:- Sparsely pubescent annual.
1) 10-30 cm. usually branched from base, several ascending.
1) Leaflets, broadly obovate, ± pilose on both surfaces, dentate at least in front.
2) Stipules, lanceolate, dentate near the base.
1) Peduncles, slender, longer than pedicels.
2) Inflorescence, 1-3-flowered, but usually only a single fruit developing.
3) Corolla, 5-6 mm, yellow.
1) Legume, discoid, tightly coiled, 6-8 mm in diam. (not including spines), glabrous,
coils with a broad veinless margin and slender, spreading marginal spines 2-3
mm; ultimate coils without spines.
Key features:-
1) Legume, discoid, tightly coiled, 6-8 mm in diam., ultimate coils without spines.
Habitat:- Dry open shrubby vegetation, roadsides, olive groves, field margins, open
coniferous woodland. 0-800(-1500) m.
Distribution:- Widespread an fairly common across the Mediterranean.
Widespread and common on Crete.
Flowering time:- Mar-May.
Photos by:- Dr. Armin Jagel.