Common Names:- White horehound
Homotypic Synonyms:- Prasium marrubium.
Meaning:- Marrubium (L) A name used by the Roman naturalist and philosopher
Pliny, either from the Hebrew, marrob, for bitter-juice, or from the town of
Vulgare (L) Vulgar, common.
General description:- Medium, white-downy perennial, thyme scented.
1) Up to 45 cm, white-lanate at least below, with many short non-flowering
1) Orbicular to broadly ovate, subcordate or rounded at the base, deeply and
irregularly crenate, sparsely tomentose to subglabrous above, more densely
tomentose beneath.
2) Petioles of the lower leaves shorter than the lamina.
1) Verticillasters, globose, many-flowered, distant.
2) Bracteoles, subulate, villous-plumose.
3) Calyx-tube, 3-4 mm, obscurely 10-striate, villous-pubescent, teeth 10, shorter
than the corolla, equal, patent, hamate, villous beneath, glabrous above.
4) Corolla, exceeding the calyx-teeth, white.
1) Nutlets, truncate at the apex.
Key features:-
1) Calyx-teeth, 10, equal; hamate.
2) Leaves, broadly ovate to orbicular.
3) Petioles, of the lower leaves usually shorter than the lamina.
Habitat:- Deciduous and evergreen scrub, dry pastures, olive groves, open grassy
habitats. 0-1100 m.
Distribution:- Scattered throughout Greece. - A widespread Euro-Siberian species
and common throughout the Mediterranean. Fairly widespread across Crete.
Flowering time:- Apr-Aug.
Photo by:- Yannis Zacharakis