Family and Genus:- See- LEGUMINOSAE/Sect. KROKERIA

Common Name:- Edible lotus

Homotypic Synonyms:- Mullaghera edulis.

Meaning:- Lotus (Gr) The ancient name for various leguminous plants.
                  Edulis (L) Of food, edible.
General description:- Low to short, diffuse annual, sparsely pilose throughout.

1) 10-30 cm. decumbent, usually branched from base.

1) Upper leaflets, 5-16 x 3·5-10 mm obovate, obtuse or truncate.
2) Lower, smaller and apiculate.

1) 1(-3) on a long peduncle.
2) Bracts, slightly shorter than the calyx.
3) Calyx, 10-12 mm, indistinctly bilabiate, teeth subequal, at least twice as long as
    the tube.
4) Corolla, 11-15 mm, yellow, sometimes tinged reddish-purple.

1) Legume, 25-40 mm, broadly cylindrical, slightly curved, sulcate on the upper   
    suture, fleshy when young, dry and spongy when ripe, not or tardily dehiscent.

Key features:-
1) Calyx-teeth, less than 3 times as long as the tube.
2) Legume, 4-8 mm diam, sulcate on the back.

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Habitat:- On sandy clay soils and rocks near the sea.

Distribution:- Widespread but rarer in E. Mediterranean. Widespread but not
common on Crete.

Flowering time:- Feb-May.

Photo by:- Steve Lenton