Including Lens odemensis. A taxon of uncertain status, apparently very close to
Lens culinaris differing mainly in the semi-hastate stipules with a few, rather blunt
teeth on the outer, curved margin.
Common Names:- Lentil
Homotypic Synonyms:- None
Meaning:- Lens (L) The classical name for the lentil.
Culinaris (L) Of food, of the kitchen.
General description:- Annual.
1) Up to 40-50 cm. Spreading, covered with short soft hairs.
1) Leaflets, 3-8 pairs, up to 20 x 8 mm, oblong or elliptical.
2) Stipules, oblong-lance-shaped, with even margins.
1) Racemes, about equalling the leaves.
2) Calyx-teeth, up to 6 times as long as the tube.
1) Legume, 12-16 x 6-12 mm. yellowish, glabrous.
2) Seeds, 1-3.
Key features:-
1) Stipules, oblong-lanceolate, entire.
2) Legume, 12-16 x 6-12 mm.
3) Racemes, about equalling the leaves.
Habitat:-Cultivated, fallow and waste ground, roadsides and hedgerows. 0-800
(1300) m.
Distribution:- Widespread around the Mediterranean. Widely cultivated in C. S. and
E. Europe for its edible seeds (lentils) and sometimes naturalized. No distribution
information available for Crete.
Flowering time:- Late Mar to early June.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton