Common Names:- None
Homotypic Synonyms:- None
Meaning:- Lathyrus (Gr) The ancient name for chickling pea.
Gorgoni (Gr) Wild, of wild appearance.
General description:- Medium to tall, clambering, glabrous annual.
1) 40-150 cm, winged.
1) Alternate, compound pinnate, with 2 narrow and linear leaflets forming "V", like
blades of grass, from 5-15cm length, glabous, with a central tendril much
2) Stipules, 2 long, less than 1,5 mm across, extremely sharp and herbaceous.
1) Racemes, solitary.
2) Calyx-teeth, equal, 2-3 times as long as the tube.
3) Corolla, 15-25 mm, light gingery-orange, often red-veined.
1) Legume, 30-80 x 7-12 mm, pale brown, dorsal suture with 3 low keels.
2) Seeds, 7-8, smooth.
Key features:-
1) Corolla, 15-25 mm.
2) Calyx-teeth, 2-3 times as long as the tube.
3) Seeds, smooth.
Habitat:- Roadsides, hedges and ruderal habitats. 0-1000 m.
Distribution:- Central and east Mediterranean area; SW. Asia eastwards to N Iraq.
Very rare on Crete, known only from the far northeast.
Flowering time:- Apr-May.
Photos by:- Dr. Armin Jagel