Common Name:- Flat-podded vetchling
Homotypic Synonyms:- Cicercula cicera, Pisum rubrum.
Meaning:- Lathyrus (Gr) The ancient name for chickling pea.
Cicera The old Latin name, cicer, for chick pea.
General description:- Short to tall Subglabrous climbing, annual.
1) 15-50 cm, often branched from the base, weak and slender, narrowly winged.
1) Alternate, leaflets 1(-2) pairs, 10-90(-110) x 1-6(-15) mm, linear to lanceolate.
2) Stipules, semi-sagittate; tendril ± branched.
1) Solitary.
2) Peduncles, 10-30 mm, filiform. articulated near the middle or apex.
3) Calyx teeth, subequal, triangular-lanceolate, 2-3 times as long as the tube.
4) Corolla, (5-)10-14(-20) mm, crimson, orange or brick red.
1) Legume, 20-40 x 5-10 mm, brown, glabrous, with 2 keels on the dorsal suture.
2) Seeds, 2-6, smooth; hilum 1/13 of the circumference.
Key features:-
1) Legume, with 2 keels on the dorsal suture.
2) Peduncles, 10-30 mm.
Habitat:- Dry, meadows, open scrub, fallow fields, olive groves and vineyards. 0-800
(-1300) m.
Distribution:- Common throughout Greece and the Mediterranean region and
Anatolia, eastwards to Afghanistan and C Asia. Fairly widespread across Crete.
Flowering time:- Mostly Apr-May.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton