Common Names:- Blue dawn flower
Synonyms:- Convolvulus indicus, Pharbitis indica.
Meaning:- Ipomoea (Gr) Resembling a worm (reference to the twining stems).
Indica (L) From India, Indian, Used loosely for the Orient.
General description:- Perennial plant.
1) Long procumbent or climbing.
1) Broad-ovate, 4-17 cm long, 3-15 cm wide, acuminate, cordate, margins entire to
deeply 3-lobed, upper surface with short hairs close to the stem, lower surface
silky, densely covered in soft hairs.
1) Inflorescence, 2 to many-flowered, terminally congested with conspicuous
2) Corolla large, infundibuliform, violet-blue with paler mid-petaline bands and darker
throat, glabrous.
3) Tube 5.5-7.5cm long; limb 6.5-8cm diam.
4) Sepals acute to long-acuminate, finely pubescent, without bristles.
1) Capsule depressed-rounded, approx 10 mm diam., 3-celled (locular).
Key features:-
1) Sepals acute to long-acuminate, finely pubescent, without bristles.
Habitat:- Naturalised along hedgerows, fences, and in scrub, or on cultivated or
waste ground. 0-700 m. or higher
Distribution:- Widespread and common throughout the Mediterranean. Widespread
and common on Crete (introduced).
Flowering time:- Jan-Dec.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton