Common Names:- Mediterranean catsear
Synonyms:- Achyrophorus valdesii
Meaning:- Hypochaeris (Gr) A name used by the Greek philosopher
Achyrophorus (Gr) Chaff-bearer (the receptacular scales).
General description:- Annual.
1) 8-35(-60) cm, usually branched, sometimes thickened immediately below the
capitula, hispid at least above, sometimes with remote, linear scales.
1) 3-18 cm, spathulate, oblanceolate or obovate, entire to lobed, hispid.
2) Cauline, 0-several.
1) Capitula, up to 15 mm wide.
2) Involucral bracts up to 14 x 2 mm, in several rows, densely hispid.
3) Ligules golden or orange-yellow.
1) Achenes 4·5-6·5 mm, beaked.
2) Pappus of 2 rows of hairs.
a) outer c. 0·5 mm.
b) inner 4-6 mm, plumose, narrowly lanceolate-dilated at the base.
Key features:-
1) Stem hispid, at least above.
2) Capitula up to15 mm wide.
Habitat:- Open dry shrubby vegetation, sandy fallow fields, olive groves, dry
grassland and other open habitats. 0-1500 m.
Distribution:- Common throughout S and C Greece. N and NE Mediterranean
region eastwards to Cyrenaica and W Anatolia. Widespread and common on Crete.
Flowering time:- Mid-May to June.
Photos by:- Ingvild-Anita Velde