Common Names:- Curry Plant, Italian Everlasting, Live-ever ,Sandy
Everlasting, Yellow Chaste-weed.
Synonyms:- Gnaphalium microphyllum, Helichrysum angustifolium subsp.
microphyllum, Helichrysum microphyllum.
Meaning:- Helichrysum (Gr) Golden-sun.
Italicum (L) Italian, from Italy.
Microphyllum (Gr) Small-leaved.
General description:- Plant with woody stock, very aromatic.
1) 10-30(-40) cm, angular, branched, spread out then ascending, grey-felted
when young
1) Alternate, simple, narrowly linear, greenish and sparsely tomentose to
glabrescent or rarely white-tomentose.
2) Lower, 5-10 mm.
3) Non-flowering shoots with numerous axillary fascicles of leaves.
1) Inflorescence, 10-30(-40) cm across, yellow with only disk-florets.
2) Involucre, 2 mm in diam, oblong-cylindrical to narrowly campanulate.
3) Bracts, closely and regularly imbricate, all, except usually the outermost
a) inner, at least 5 times as long as the outer, narrowly oblong to linear,
b) outer, broadly rounded, coriaceous, usually tomentose.
1) Achenes with scattered shining white glands or eglandular. with a pappus.
Key features:-
1) Involucre 2 mm diam.
2) Outer bracts glandular on the outside.
3) Leaves rarely more than 10 mm.
4) Very aromatic.
Habitat:- Rocky slopes with open dry shrubby vegetation, usually non-calcareous
substrates, also on small islands. 0-700(-1700) m.
Distribution:- Mostly in the W & C Mediterranean region, but extending to Cyprus
On Crete mainly confined to the high massifs.
Flowering time:- Apr to mid-July.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton