Common Names:- None
Homotypic Synonyms:- None
Meaning:- Erysimum (Gr) A name used by the Greek philosopher Theophrastus
(perinnial wallflowers).
Raulinii (L) Possibly for Victor Felix Raulin, botanist (1815-1905).
General description:- Biennial.
1) Erect; simple or branched up to 30 cm in flower, up to 60 cm in fruit; hairs divided
at the tip in 2(-4) (usually equal) parts by a median cleft (2(-4)-fid).
1) Basal, in a rossette, 20-80 x 1-10 mm, oblanceolate-linear.
2) Lower, sinuate or denticulate, the rest entire, green.
1) Raceme, of fragrant yellow flowers, elongating considerably during fruit
2) Sepals, 6-8 mm.
3) Petals, 11-17 x 3-5·5 mm, pubescent on the back.
4) Style 2-4 mm.
5) Pedicel, 1-2·5 mm in flower, up to 6 mm in fruit.
1) Siliqua, 20-50 x 1-1·3 mm, erect (0-10°). appressed to the stem.
Habitat:- Rock ledges and screes in gorges, rocky slopes with open dry shrubby
vegetation occasionally on road embankments, over limestone. 400-1700 m. Fl.
Early Apr to late May.
Distribution:- Endemic to the western half of Crete, from the western flanks of the
Lefka Ori to Kedros.
Flowering time:- Early Apr to late May.
Photos by:- Fotis Samaritakis