Common Names:- Small-leaved hellerbine
Homotypic Synonyms:- Amesia microphylla, Epipactis helleborine var.
microphylla, Epipactis latifolia var. microphylla, Epipactis latifolia subsp.
microphylla, Helleborine microphylla, Limodorum microphyllum,
Serapias latifolia var. microphylla, Serapias microphylla
Meaning:- Epipactis (Gr) A name used by the Greek philosopher Theophrastus for
a Helleborine orchid.
Microphylla (L) With small leaves.
General description:- Short to medium, rhizomatous perennial.
1) 15-40 cm, with basal sheathing scales, hairy in the upper part.
1) Small, spirally arranged, 3-6, 1-2·5(-3) x c. 1 cm, lanceolate to linear-lanceolate,
acuminate., usually not more than 30 mm long.
1) Raceme, 3-12 cm, 4- to 15-flowered, the rhachis densely pubescent.
2) Bracts, lanceolate, acuminate, the lower as long as the flowers.
3) Flowers, patent.
4) Perianth-segments;
a) outer, c. 7 mm, elliptic-ovate, subobtuse, greenish with a reddish
tinge outside, whitish-green inside.
b) inner, ovate, whitish-green.
5) Labellum, 6·5-7 mm;
a) hypochile, cupuliform, greenish-brown.
b) epichile, orbicular-ovate, subobtuse, whitish or pale pink, crenate, slightly
undulate, with rugose protuberances at the base.
6) Rostellum, persistent.
7) Ovary, densely pubescent.
1) Capsule, dehiscing, by 3 or 6 longitudinal slits.
2) Seeds, numerous, minute, with undifferentiated embryo and no endosperm.
Key features:-
1) Leaves, 1-3 cm, spirally arranged.
2) Flowers, greenish, with a reddish tinge.
Habitat:- Deciduous and occasionally coniferous woodland. (150-)300-1300 m.
Distribution:- Scattered on mainland Greece and Peloponnisos. Primarily a
mountain plant in the Mediterranean region, but sometimes coastal or lowland. Rare
on Crete with limited distribution.
Flowering time:- May to mid-July.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton