Common Name:- Bojeania, hairy canary-clover
Homotypic Synonyms:- Bonjeanea hirsuta, Lotus hirstutus.
Meaning:- Dorycnium (Gr) The Greek physician Dioscorides' name for a
Hirsutum (L) Rough-haired, covered in long hairs.
General description:- Erect to ascending perennial, slightly woody at the base.
1) Several, 10-50 cm long, hairs, long, white, patent-pilose.
1) 3-5-foliolate, rhachis short (0.5-3 mm).
2) Upper leaflets, obovate to elliptical, usually 12-20 x 4-8 mm.
3) Stipules, rudimentary, dark purple, gland-like.
1) 4-12
2) Inflorescence, apparently terminal on the peduncle 1-3 cm, subtended by a bract-
like leaf.
3) Calyx, 8-11 mm, cylindrical-campanulate, densely hirsute,
a) teeth, unequal.
4) Corolla, white or pinkish, with a dark red or black keel.
a) standard, 11-18 mm.
1) Legume, 6-12 x 3.5-4.5 mm, oblong-ovoid.
a) valves not contorted at maturity.
2) Seeds, 2-5, subglobose to reniform.
Key features:-
1) Stem, patent-pilose.
2) Corolla large, with the standard 11-18 mm .
Habitat:- Open dry shrubby vegetation, olive groves, open scrubland vegetation,
streambanks, etc. 0-1200 m. on various substrates.
Distribution:- Common in most of mainland Greece, Peloponnisos and the Ionian
Islands. - Mediterranean region and almost through to Anatolia. Rare on Crete
currently known from only three locations
Flowering time:- Late Mar to June, occasionally later.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton