Common Names:- Roman orchid
Homotypic Synonyms:- Dactylorchis romana, Dactylorhiza sambucina subsp.
romana, Orchis romana.
Meaning:- Dactylorhiza (Gr) With finger-like roots.
Romana (L) From Romania.
General description:- Short to medium perennial.
1) 20-40 cm, slender, green or purplish.
1) Basal, rather numerous, forming a rosette, lanceolate to linear.
1) Spike, ovoid to shortly cylindrical, rather lax, usually 10-20-flowered.
2) Bracts, herbaceous, at least the lower exceeding the flowers.
3) Flowers, rather uniformly coloured, either cream to pale yellow or dull reddish-
4) Perianth-segments;
a) outer, 7-10 mm, oblong, obtuse.
b) lateral, 2, patent.
c) median, convergent into a galea with the shorter, obliquely ovate
d) inner, enlarged towards the base.
5) Sepals;
a) lateral, erect or somewhat reflexed, 9-13 mm, ovate-oblong.
b) middle, and petals connivent to form a loose hood.
6) Labellum 7-8 x 7-8 mm, broadly obovate in outline, 3-lobed, slightly longer than
the sepals.
a) lateral lobes, oblong-ovate,
b) middle lobe, oblong-rectangular or almost square to suborbicular, shorter than
the lateral lobes.
7) Spur, 12-25 mm, cylindrical, horizontal to up curved, distinctly longer than the
Key features:-
1) Middle lobe of labellum, shorter than the lateral lobes.
2) Spur, cylindrical, curving up-wards, longer than the ovary.
Habitat:- Scrubland vegetation, mixed scrub and open woodland. 0-1000 m.
Distribution:- Scattered throughout Greece. - C & E Mediterranean region, Anatolia
except the far east. Restricted distribution across Crete mainly C. And W.
Flowering time:- Apr to early June.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton