Family and Genus:- See- IRIDACEAE     

Common Names:- None

Homotypic Synonyms:- Crocus boryanus, Crocus boryanus var.
cephalonensis, Crocus laevigatus var. boryi, Crocus laevigatus subsp. boryi.

Meaning:- Crocus (Gr) Thread, (reference to the stigmas of Crocus  sativus).
                  Boryi (L) Possibly for the French naturalist Jean Baptiste Bory de
Saint-Vincent (1778-1846).

General description:- Bulbous plants, stem very short, below ground.

1) Broadly ovoid, 10-18 mm in diam.; tunics membranous to coriaceous, smooth,
    pale brown, sometimes splitting at the base into parallel fibres.

1) 3-7, synanthous, 1-2.5 mm wide, dark green with white median stripe.

1) Creamy-white, sometimes slightly veined externally with purple, rarely tinged with
    lilac, throat glabrous, slightly papillose.
2) Bract, and bracteole subequal, membranous, white, sometimes green at the
    apex, well-exserted from the scale-like cataphylls.
3) Perianth-tube, 2-15 cm, white, segments 1·5-5 x 0·4-2·3 cm, elliptical to obovate.
4) Filaments, minutely papillose; yellow, usually glabrous.
5) Anthers, creamy-white.
6) Style, yellow to deep orange, equalling or exceeding the stamens, dissected into
    many slender branches.

1) Capsule, 0·5-1 cm, subglobose to broadly ellipsoid.

Key features:-
1) Flowers, creamy-white, sometimes veined or tinged with purple; closing in dim
2) Filaments, papillose-pubescent.

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Close to C. tournefortii, but usually distinct on account of its snow-white flowers and
relatively short style branches. Sometimes growing in mixed populations with
C. laevigatus (white forms of the latter are best distinguished on the bulb tunics).1)

1) "Atlas of the Aegean Flora" Book1, Arne Strid 2016.

Habitat:- In soil pockets on rocky limestone slopes with open dry shrubby
vegetation, occasionally olive groves, fallow terraces or open pinewoods. 0-900(-
1500) m.

Distribution:- Endemic S. & W. Greece, S. Aegean region. Its main area on Crete
is across the extreme eastern end from coast to coast and a few scattered
locations in the west between 150 and 550 m.

Flowering time:- Sept-Dec.

Photos by:- Steve Lenton