Common Name:- Narrow-leaved cistus
Synonyms:- None
Meaning:- Cistus (Gr) Capsule.
Parviflorus (L) Small-flowered.
General description:- An erect or spreading shrub to 1m, though often less.
10-3 0mm long.
1) Radially symmetrical, pink, 20-30 mm,
2) Cymes, 1- to 6-flowered, more or less symmetrical.
3) Sepals, 5, oval, long-pointed.
Key features:-
1) Stigma sessile or subsessile.
2) Petals rose-pink.
3) Leaves usually grey-tomentose and usually on both sides.
Habitat:- Constituent of dry open shrubby vegetation on rocky hillslopes. 0-600(-
1100) m. Sometimes gregarious after fire in coniferous woodland.
Distribution:- From Italy and Sicily eastwards to Turkey and Cyprus. Widespread
and common on Crete.
Flowering time:- Late Mar to early June.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton