Common Name:- Narrow leaved cistus, Montpelier rock rose.
Synonyms:- Stephanocarpus monspeliensis.
Meaning:- Cistus (Gr) Capsule.
Monspeliensis (L) From Montpellier, S. France.
General description:- An erect or spreading shrub to 1m, though often less.
1) Up to 100 cm, erect, viscid.
3) Flowers 2-3 cm diam, white.
Key features:-
1) Leaaves sessile or subsessile; narrowly lanceolate.
2) Petals c. 1 cm.
Habitat:- Dry open shrubby vegetation and open woodland. 0-500 rn. mainly on
noncalcareous substrates,
Distribution:- Coastal areas of west Greece, Mediterranean region, eastwards
locally to the Izmir area and Cyprus. Limited distribution and rare on Crete, mainly
around the Dikti massif area.
Flowering time:- Late Mar to early June.
Photo by:- Fotis Samaritakis
Status:- IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.