
Including Cichorium pumilum   


Common Name:- Chicory

Synonyms:- None

Meaning:- Cichorium (Gr) A name used by the Greek philosopher Theophrastrus
from the Arabic 'kesher' for chicory.
                  Intybus (Gr) Wild chicory, from the Arabic 'tybi.'

General description:- Hairless, or somewhat stiffly-hairy, medium to tall perennial;
with a long, stout taproot.

1) 30-120 cm erect, with rigid, patent-ascending branches.

1) Basal, 7-30 X 1-12 cm, oblanceolate, runcinate-pinnatifid to dentate, shortly
2) Cauline, with fewer teeth or entire, sessile, amplexicaul.

1) Peduncles of the terminal capitula slightly thickened at the apex.
2) Involucre 11-14 X 4-10 mm.
3) Outer bracts c. 8, broadly lanceolate, patent at the apex.
4) Inner bracts c. 5, twice as long as the outer and narrower, erect.
5) Ligules bright blue, rarely pink or white, 3 times as long as the involucre.
1) Achenes 2-3 mm, irregularly angular, pale brown.
2) Pappus-scales 1/10-1/8 as long as the achene.

Key features:-
1) Spine-like branches absent.
2) Involucre 11-14 mm.
3) Peduncles of terminal capitula slightly thickened at apex.
4) Pappus-scales 1/10-1/8 as long as achene.

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Habitat:- Roadsides, field margins, wasteland, occasionally in meadows and open
woodland. 0-1100 m.

Distribution:- Widespread and common across the Mediterranean. Widespread
and common on Crete.

Flowering time:- Mainly June-Sept.

Photos by:- Steve Lenton

Synonyms:- Cichorium endivia var. pumilum, Cichorium endivia subsp.
pumilum, Cichorium intybus subsp. pumilum.

Meaning:- Pumilum (L) Dwarf.

Resembling Cichorium intybus subsp. intybus, but differering in the following
1) Annual, with a slender taproot.
2) Basal leaves few, not in a distinct rosette;
3) Leaves often undivided, subentire to dentate;
4) Phyllaries ciliate, the outer almost as long as the inner;
5) Pappus scales 0.4-0.6 mm.

Habitat:- Cultivated and fallow fields, roadsides, occasionally in open dry shrubby
vegetation on eroded hill-sides, usually near the coast. 0-1100 m.

Distribution:- Scattered across the Mediterranean and through Anatolia to W & S
Iran. Scattered across Crete, not overly common.

Flowering time:- Mid-Apr to mid-July.

Photos by:- Fotis Samaritakis 
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