Common Names:- None
Homotypic Synonyms:- Anthyllis incisa.
Meaning:- Cicer (L) The old Latin name for chick-pea.
Incisum (L) Sharply and deeply cut into, incised.
General description:- Perennial with a vertical woody stock.
1) Several, slender, flexuous, 5-15(-25) cm. Creeping in scree.
1) Imparipinnate, rachis, grooved above.
2) Leaflets, 2-4 pairs, 2-10 x 1-5 mm, obovate-cuneate, deeply incised-dentate in
the upper half.
3) Stipules, lanceolate, incised-dentate or entire.
1) 1-(-2) on slender peduncles, twice as long as the leaves, articulated at the
2) Calyx, slightly gibbous at the base, the teeth, subequal slightly longer than the
3) Corolla, 7-10 mm, purplish-violet, pink or bluish:
a) standard obovate, to 12 mm.
1) Legume, ellipsoid, turgid, 9-12(-14) mm, patent-puberulent.
2) Seeds, 1(-2) subglobose, beaked, c. 4 mm.
Key features:-
1) Peduncles, at least twice as long as the leaves.
2) Corolla, 7-10 mm.
3) Calyx-teeth, only slightly longer than the tube.
4) Leaflets, 2-4 pairs, deeply incised-dentate in the upper half.
Habitat:- Calcareous screes, occasionally thorncushion communities in dolines.
1500-2400 m.
Distribution:- Rare in the Aegean region, but widespread in S & E Anatolia, NW
Iran. Rare on Crete known only from the three main massifs. Lefka Ori, Psiloritis
and Dikti.
Flowering time:- May-Aug.
Photos by:- Giorgos Tsanousas