Common Name:- Grey goosefoot.
Synonyms:- Chenopodium album var. opulifolium, Chenopodium album
subsp. opulifolium, Vulvaria opulifolia.
Meaning:- Chenopodium (Gr) Goose-foot.
Opulifolium (L) Opulus-leaved, with leaves resembling the guelder
General description:- Herbaceous plant, Annual.
a) 60-150 cm.
b) erect, much-branched.
c) green to almost white, rarely red-tinged, more or less grey-farinose.
a) at least the middle and lower rhombic-ovate, almost as wide as long, usually
with a short, prominent lobe on each side, otherwise entire or with several
1) Inflorescence:
a) a very grey-farinose panicle.
2) Sepals:
a) keeled.
1) Seeds:
a) 1·1-1·5 mm diam.
b) obtusely keeled.
c) testa not pitted.
Key features:-
1) Most leaves more than 1.5 times as long as broad, 3-lobed.
2) Inflorescence variously covered with a meal-like powder (farinose), with small,
narrow leaves in the lower part.
Habitat:- Cultivated places, waste ground, waysides. 0-600 m.
Distribution:- Widespread across the Mediterranean region and C Europe. Limited
distribution on Crete, mainly around the C & E coastal areas.
Flowering time:- May-Oct.
Photos by:- Thomas Giannakis