Common Names:- Hooded helleborine
Homotypic Synonyms:- Epipactis cucullata, Limodorum cucullatum,
Serapias cucullata.
Meaning:- Cephalanthera (Gr) Head-anther (its position on the column).
Cucullata (L) Hooded, hood-like.
General description:- Perennial herbaceous plant, with short, creeping
1) 15-30 cm, erect, glabrous, with c. 4 whitish basal sheaths.
1) 2.5-6 cm, oblong to lanceolate, acute, cucullate.
1) Borne on a spike, 4-15 cm. 7-24 flowered.
2) Flowers, white or pinkish, open all but the lowest exceeding the bracts.
a) outer perianth-segments, 14-20 mm oblong to lanceolate, acute.
b) inner lateral, 12-16 mm ovate to oblong, subobtuse or acute.
3) Labellum, slightly shorter than the other perianth-segments;
a) hypochile, with rounded lateral lobes.
b) epichile, cordate, subacute with 3-6 ridges.
4) Spur,1-2 mm conical, obtuse.
Key features:-
1) Spur, present, 1-2 mm.
2) Outer perianth-segments, not more than 20 mm.
Habitat:- Seasonally damp, rocky and stony places in open woodland of
Cupressus sempervirens, Pinus halepensis and Quercus coccifera. 700-1400 m.
Distribution:- Cretan endemic. Very rare.
Flowering time:- May-June.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton
Conservation status (for threatened species): Endangered according to the Red
Data Book of Rare and Threatened Plants of Greece (1995)
Protection status (for threatened species): Greek Presidential Decree 67/1981,
Bern Convention, EU Dir.1992/43 (Ann.II*/IV), Convention C.I.T.E.S.