Common Names:- None
Synonyms:- Diosphaera jacquinii, Phyteuma jacquinii, Trachelium jacquinii.
Meaning:- Campanula (L) Bell-like.
Jacquinii (L) For Nikolaus Joseph Freiherr von Jacquin (1727-1817), a
prominent Austrian botanist.
General description:- Hairless (glabrous) or shortly hairy perennial with a rather
stout, knotty, brittle woody stock.
a) 10-20 cm.
b) flowering numerous.
c) slender, ascending to erect, usually simple. densely leafy.
1) Blade:
a) 2.5-5 cm.
b) elliptical.
c) margins, saw-toothed (serrate),
d) slightly leathery (subcoriaceous).
e) mostly stalkless (sessile).
a) in a dense, terminal corymb.
1) Corolla:
a) c. 10 mm.
b) tube c. 5 mm, narrow, equalling the linear lobes.
c) bluish-lilac.
1) Capsule:
a) ovoid-turbinate.
Key features:-
1) Perennial with a woody stock.
2) Corolla c. 10 mm, with a narrow tube equalling the linear lobes.
3) Style exserted.
Habitat:- Grows on shady cliffs and steep, rocky banks, on limestone, 1200-1900
Distribution:- Endemic mainly to the three main massifs of Crete. Rare.
Flowering time:- June-Sept.
Photos by:- Andreas Loukakis
Conservation status (for threatened species): Rare (R) according to IUCN 1997
Protection status (for threatened species): Greek Presidential Decree 67/1981