Family and Genus:- See- CRUCIFERAE

Common Names:- White ball mustard.

Homotypic Synonyms:- Laelia irregularis, Myagrum irregulare.

Meaning:- Calepina (L) An Adansonian name perhaps relating to Aleppo.
                  Irregularis (L) Not of the rules, with irregularly sized parts i.e. the
General description:- Slender short to tall, erect or spreading, hairless annual.

1) 15-80 cm, usually branched near the base.

1) Basal, obovate, entire to lyrate-pinnatifid, petiolate.
2) Cauline, amplexicaul with acute, patent auricles.

1) Racemes ebracteate, much elongating in fruit.
2) Petals white, with a short claw or cuneate at the base. 2 mm, the 2 outer longer 
    2·5-3 mm.
3) Sepals erecto-patent.
4) filaments without appendages.
5) Fruiting pedicels 4-12 mm, slender, erecto-patent, arcuate.

1) Silicula 2·5-4 x 2-3 mm, ovoid-globose to ellipsoidal, shortly beaked, 4-veined, 
    reticulate-rugose when dry.

Key features:-
1) Upper segment of fruit beaked, or with a distinct persistent style.
2) Cauline leaves amplexicaul, with acute auricles.
3) Plant green, glabrous or sparsely hairy.
4) Silicula with a short, broad, obtuse beak;
5) Petals unequal, the inner distinctly longer than the outer.

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Habitat:- Alluvial flats, seasonally damp meadows, stream-banks olive groves,
roadsides and field margins. 0-800 m.

Distribution:- Widespread and common throughout the Mediterranean. Introduced
on Crete, very limited distribution. Rare.

Flowering time:- Mar-May.

Photo by:- Dr. Armin Jagel