Common Names:- Aubrieta
Homotypic Synonyms:- Alyssum deltoideum, Crucifera aubrieta, Farsetia
deltoidea, Vesicaria deltoidea.
Meaning:- Aubrieta (L) For Claude Aubriet (1665 -1742), an artist friend of
Tournefort, a renaissance plant systematist.
Deltoidea (Gr) triangular-shaped, deltoid.
General description:- Low to short hairy, cushion-forming or straggling perennial.
1) Linear-spathulate to obovate-cuneate or rhombic, entire or with 1-3 pairs of teeth.
1) Few in short racemes.
2) Petals 12-28 mm, reddish-purple to violet, rarely white, slightly notched.
3) Sepals 6-10 mm.
4) Style 4-8 mm.
1) Siliqua 6-16(-22) x 2·5-4·5 mm, 2-5(-7) times as long as wide, not or only slightly
reticulately veined, with long unbranched and forked as well as stellate hairs.
Key features:-
1) Siliqua with both stellate and distinctly longer simple and forked hairs.
Habitat:- Crevices and ledges of limestone cliffs, rocky outcrops, often in semi-
shade. (50-)300-1600(-2200) m.
Distribution:- Southern part of the Balkan peninsula and Aegean region; Sicilia
(Madonie); widely cultivated for ornamental effect and naturalized in S. & W.
Europe. On Crete it is common in the Lefka Ori, extending eastward to the north-
facing cliffs of Mount Krioneritis,, and one location in the Dikti massif.
Flowering time:- Late Mar to early June.
Photos by:- Fotis Samaritakis