Common Name:- Golden-star
Synonyms:- Bubonium aquaticum, Buphthalmum aquaticum, Dontospermum
aquaticum, Inula aquatica, Nauplius aquaticus.
Meaning:- Asteriscus (Gr) Small-star.
Aquaticus (L) Living in water.
General description:- Short to medium hairy aromatic annual.
1) (2-)10-50 cm, simple or with erecto-patent branches, usually near the apex.
1) Hairy, oblong to spatula-shaped, grooved lower usually short petiolate.
2) Upper sessile, untoothed.
1) Flower-heads deep yellow. daisy-like.
2) Outer involucral bracts, 1-2 cm, ovate and coriaceous below, with a long, leaf-like
apex, much exceeding the ligules.
3) Inner ovate, coriaceous, with or without a short green apex.
4) Ligules deeply 3-toothed at the apex.
5) Tubular florets 5-lobed.
1) Achenes, 1·5-2 mm.
2) Pappus, 0·75-1 mm.
Key features:-
1) Ligules much shorter than involucral bracts.
Habitat:- Damp and sandy places, dry open shrubby vegetation, cultivated and
waste ground, roadsides, coastal and inland. 0-200(600) m.
Distribution:- European Med and N Africa. Widespread and common on Crete.
Flowering time:- Apr-June.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton