Common Names:- Red kidney-vetch.
Homotypic Synonyms:- Anthyllis rubriflora, Anthyllis vulneraria var. rubriflora
Vulneraria heterophylla var. rubriflora, Vulneraria rubriflora.
Meaning:- Anthyllis (Gr) Downy-flower.
Vulneraria (L) Of wounds, (wound healing property).
Rubriflora (L) Red-flowered.
General description:- Often annual, occasionally perennating.
1) 10-35 cm, ascending to erect, usually appressed-pubescent.
1) Mostly in the lower part of the stem, with up to 5 unequal leaflets or often
reduced to an elliptical, terminal leaflet, up to 7-13 cm.
1) In terminal heads subtended by deeply lobed involucral bracts exceeding the
2) Calyx, 12-14 mm, pale below, purple above, ± appressed-sericeous.
3) Corolla, c. 18 mm, red, pink or cream.
1) Legume, 5-6 mm, ovoid, usually 1 seeded.
Key features:-
1) Herbs, sometimes slightly woody at the base, but never with woody branches.
3) Calyx, 10-13·5(-14) mm, unequally 5-toothed, the mouth oblique.
4) Legume, 1-seeded, or if 2-seeded then not constricted between the seeds.
5) Leaves mainly confined to the lower part of the stem.
6) Lower cauline leaves, inequifoliolate, with 1-3 leaflets.
Habitat:- Open dry shrubby vegetation, dolines, field margins, olive groves, mainly
over limestone, rarely on cliffs. 0-900(-2000) m.
Distribution:- From the Balearic Is. and Corsica eastwards to Turkey - not Sicily or
Cyprus. Widespread and common on Crete.
Flowering time:- Mar to June.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton