Common Names:- Pyramidal orchid
Homotypic Synonyms:- Aceras pyramidale, Orchis pyramidalis.
Meaning:- Anacamptis (Gr) Bent-back, reference to the long spur of the flower.
Pyramidalis (Gr) Conical, pyramid-shaped.
General description:- Rather slender, short to medium, tuberous perennial.
1) 25-45 cm tall, slender.
1) Lower, 3-6, not forming a distinct rosette, linear-lanceolate, canaliculate,
pale green, unspotted, decreasing in size up the stem, with the uppermost small
and bract-like.
2) Upper, small and bract-like.
1) Spike, 3-7 cm, dense, distinctly conical when young, later shortly cylindrical.
2) Flowers, uniformly salmon-pink to purplish-pink, rarely almost white.
3) Bracts, narrow, linear-lanceolate, generally purplish, slightly longer than the
4) Sepals,
a) lateral, spreading, the
b) upper, and petals forming a small helmet.
4) Labellum, 6-8 mm, divided halfway into 3 broadly oblong, lobes, subequal or the
lateral somewhat larger.
5) Spur, 12-14 mm, directed somewhat downwards, filiform, acute.
a) entrance to the spur with 2 raised swellings.
Key features:-
1) Spike, 3-7 cm, dense, distinctly conical.
2) Entrance of spur, with 2 raised swellings.
3) Spur, 12-14 mm, filiform, acute
Habitat:- Dry open shrubby vegetation, scrubland vegetation, dry grassland, open
woodland. 0-1100 m.
Distribution:- Throughout Greece. - Widespread in Europe and the Mediterranean
region, northwards to the Baltic islands, eastwards to Caucasuss and N Iran.
Widespread and common on Crete.
Flowering time:- Late Apr to June
Photos by:- Steve Lenton