Common Names:- Bory's orchid
Homotypic Synonyms:- Herorchis boryi, Orchis boryi, Orchis morio subsp.
boryi, Orchis quadripunctata var. boryi.
Meaning:- Anacamptis (Gr) Bent-back, reference to the long spur of the flower.
Boryi (L) For the French naturalist Jean Baptiste Bory de Saint-
Vincent (1778-1846).
General description:- Short to medium perennial.
1) 20-45 cm, with a basal rosette of leaves and crowded sheaths above.
1) Up to 12, broadly linear,mostly in a basal rosette, the upper sheathing, without a
1) Spike, short, often capitate, dense, the distal flowers opening first.
2) Bracts, lanceolate, ½ as long as ovary.
3) Flowers, violet, occasionally whitish.
4) Outer perianth-segments, c.7 mm, oblong-ovate, more or less patent.
a) inner, 4-5 mm, ovate.
b) median, sometimes convergent into a galea with the 2 inner perianth-
5) Labellum, c. 8 x 8 mm, suborbicular, with 3 subequal lobes;
a) middle lobe entire, longer than the lateral.
6) Spur, c. 15 x 2 mm, filiform, obtuse, ± horizontal.
Key features:-
1) At least the lateral outer perianth-segments, patent or deflexed the median
sometimes convergent into a galea with the 2 inner perianth-segments.
2) Flowers, at apex of spike opening first.
3) Labellum, about as wide as or somewhat wider than long. Labellum about as
wide as or somewhat wider than long, 3-lobed.
4) Spur, filiform, patent or somewhat curved upwards.
Habitat:- Seasonally damp spots and patches of meadow in dry open shrubby
vegetation and open coniferous woodland. (100-)300-1100 m.
Distribution:- Endemic Crete, Greece & Aegean. Restricted distribution on Crete.
Flowering time:- Mid-Apr to mid-May.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton
Protection status (for threatened species): Greek Presidential Decree. 67/1981,
Plant species with restricted geographical distribution.