Common Name:- Rosy garlic
Homotypic Synonyms:- Molium roseum, Nectaroscordum roseum.
Meaning:- Allium (L) The ancient Latin name for garlic.
Roseum (L) Rose-like, rose coloured.
General description:- Variable, short to medium, hairless bulbous perennial.
1) Ovoid usually with numerous stipitate bulblets. tunics membranous, the
outermost ± crustaceous, pitted, pale brown.
1) 20-60 cm
1) 2-4, long and narrow with parallel sides, keeled, sheathing the low fifth of the
leafless stalk.
1) Umbel, to 7 cm in diam, fastigiate or hemispherical, with or without bulbils.
2) Spathe, 1-valved but often becoming 3- to 4-lobed, shorter than the equal flower-
stalks, membranous, persistent.
3) Perianth, campanulate.
4) Perianth segments, 7-12 mm,
b) rose-pink or almost white.
5) Stamens, not protruding.
a) anthers yellow.
1) Capsule, 4 mm.
Key features:-
1) Spathe, 1-valved but often becoming 3- to 4-lobed.
2) Perianth-segments, white or pink, not keeled.
2) Outer tunics, crustaceous, pitted and perforate.
3) Bulb, narrowly ovoid or cylindrical, rarely subglobose.
4) Stamens, not exceeding perianth-segments.
5) Perianth, 7-12 mm.
Habitat:- Seasonally damp places in olive groves, ?elds, grassy meadows, shady
road embankments and coastal saline habitats. 0-600 m.
Distribution:- Throughout Greece, but rare in the interior and lacking in most of N
and NE. - Mediterranean area from Morocco and Portugal to Egypt and Cyprus..
Fairly widespread on Crete.
Flowering time:- April-May
Photos by:- Yannis Zacharakis