Family and Genus:- See- MALVACEAE

Common Name:- Wild hollyhock

Homotypic Synonyms:- Althaea biennis.

Meaning:- Alcea (Gr) A name used by the Greek physician and botanist
                  Biennis (L) Biennial, with a life of two years.

General description:- Medium to tall hairy biennial.

1) 1-2 m tall, erect, simple or sparingly branched, tomentose with a mixture of long
    and short stellate hairs.

1) Lower and middle, long-petiolate; blade 10-20 cm in diam., cordate-orbicular to
    rhombic-deltate, crenate, undivided, or divided for c. 1/3 of the radius into 3-5
    obtuse lobes, greyish-tomentose, especially beneath.

1) Solitary or in small clusters in a long, spike-like inflorescence.
2) Epicalyx, almost equalling the calyx, segments broadly triangular.
3) Petals, 30-40 mm, obcordate, contiguous, usually pinkish-mauve.

1) Mericarps, 4·5-6 mm; dorsal face with deep, fairly broad furrow; angles rugose,
    produced into slightly divergent wings.

Key features:-
1) Epicalyx, at least 3/4 as long as the calyx.

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Habitat:- Roadsides and open woodland. 0-600(-1200) m.

Distribution:- Scattered on mainland Greece and Peloponnisos and elsewhere in
SE Europe. Scattered across Crete.

Flowering time:- Late Apr to May.

Photos by:- Steve Lenton